Cohen-Putnam Agency Limited
Cohen-Putnam Agency Limited
72 Gleneida Avenue,
Carmel, NY 10512

Risk management is an important part of Cohen-Putnam's approach to commercial insurance. We review all aspects of an account to be certain that our clients are well positioned should a loss occur.

This means more than just providing insurance. It means using a unique approach to protect the interest of each of our clients.

-Liability Insurance

There are many types of coverage available to protect an insured, and many endorsements that will reduce or eliminate coverages. Knowing what these are and how they work can make the difference as to whether you are covered and to what extent. A commercial lines specialist at Cohen-Putnam will apply risk management techniques to help implement a strong liability program, and insulate your company from potentially severe economic hardship.

-Property & Crime Insurance

There are numerous conditions that can be attached to property and crime insurance that can cause coverages to be compromised or declined, ranging from co-insurance, warranties or conditions to exclusion, limitations and definitions of property to be covered. A commercial lines specialist at Cohen-Putnam can make the difference by reviewing your exposures and designing a package of coverages to meet your current and ongoing requirements.


Many companies do not understand the full impact of the workers compensation laws, and their potential to increase your company's premiums and claims exposure. This can affect your ability to obtain coverage from a standard company at a reasonable cost. Additionally, failure to maintain proper coverages can trigger significant fines. At Cohen-Putnam, we analyze all potential workers compensation exposures, and properly position our clients to avoid negative situations and audit problems. Cohen-Putnam has its own in-house audit service to assist the insurance company and protect the interests of the insured. When combined with our exclusive certificate tracking service, the surprises of an audit are virtually eliminated.

-Commercial Automobile Insurance

Important commercial automobile coverage options are often omitted from a policy, and only discovered when a claim occurs. These include improper classification of vehicles, commercial vehicles on personal policies, and inadequate limits. At Cohen-Putnam, a commercial lines specialist can provide all the options necessary to ensure that your company is protected, and that vehicles are properly classified to avoid higher premiums.

© 2009 The Cohen Putnam Agency, Ltd.
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