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(716) 483-1573

The Consumer's Independent Guide to

If you own your own business or are a partner in one, you're probably already familiar with risk. After all, few things in life are riskier than launching and running your own small business. Part of the risk of any small business is the loss of critical tools and property or liability to others. Either of which can cause loss of income or even force you to close your doors.

Large companies employ full-time risk managers to keep their risk-taking to a minimum. But chances are that as a small-business operator, you are your company's risk manager, along with its personnel director, office manager, and possibly the entire staff all rolled into one.

While juggling all the jobs that need to get done to make your firm a smooth-running and profitable operation, you may already be asking yourself, "Who has time to think about insurance?" You do! Keeping risks and losses to a minimum is a cornerstone of business success, especially for small businesses. Take a few minutes now to check your risk factors, find out your insurance needs and learn the many options available to you. And remember choosing the right agent is as important as choosing the right insurance.

Created by the Independent Insurance Agents of America, this guide does not represent the provisions of any particular policy, but it can serve as a starting point to a complete package of protection.

•I'm just getting my business started. Do I need insurance right away?
•I don't have any major business assets. Why do I need insurance?
•Is insurance coverage different for different businesses?•What types of property do I need to insure?•What types of property insurance should I consider buying?

•How much property insurance do I need to buy?•Who decides how much my business property is worth?•What kinds of events does business insurance cover?•Everybody seems to be suing everybody else these days. What if someone sues my business?
•What about the cars and truck that I have in my business? Is the coverage like what I have on my personal car?

•Will I need to protect my employees in the event they are injured on the job?•I keep one auto strictly for business. Do I need a separate policy?
•I just signed a 3-year lease to open my business. Why does my insurance agent want to see my lease?
•My business requires that I store gasoline on the premises. Do I have to have special insurance?
•I run a dry-cleaning business. What happens if fire destroys many of my customers' clothes that were stored in the building?

•What if the clothes I manufacture are damaged in shipment. Does the shipping company reimburse me or do I put in a claim to my insurance company?
•I work out of my home. Will my homeowners insurance cover my business?
•What is coinsurance all about?•As a retailer, do I need to worry about product liability?•Now that my business is established, I think it is time to offer my employees some benefits. What do I need to know?

•Can I do anything to lower my insurance premiums?•Who keeps an eye on the insurance companies?•What should I look for in an agent?

Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York, Inc.
5784 Widewaters Pkwy, 1st Floor, DeWitt, NY 13214
Phone: 800-962-7950 800-962-7950 | fax: 888-432-0510 | e-mail:

Copyright © 2010, Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York, Inc.
All rights reserved

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