01 Insurance
01 Insurance
3226 Steinway St
Astoria, NY 11103
Business Insurance
There are many types of business insurance available. Depending on the type of your business, the duration of a project or the coverage needed. Here's a list of policy types available for businesses.
A bond is a guarantee that a specific duty will be discharged, a certain performance maintained or a specific obligation fulfilled. Fidelity bonds are essentially guarantees that certain acts on the part of employees will not be committed. Surety bonds, on the other hand, emphasize that certain things will happen.
Business (Income) Interruption
A type of property insurance related to a business's inability to function due to losses incurred. It provides money to you for your fixed expenses, payroll and, if necessary, the extra expense of temporarily relocating to another location. You can also buy insurance to cover any Extra Expense coverage, additional expenses incurred in getting your business back into operation.
Business Owners’ Policy
Bundles a multitude of coverages into one policy designed to meet the various insurance needs of small and medium-sized businesses. The great advantage of the Business Owner's Policy is that the insured generally gets much broader coverage at a significantly lower price than if they bought each type of insurance separately. The policy includes commonly required property and liability insurance in addition to several optional coverages. Unlike other stand-alone small business policies, it also eliminates coverage restrictions and limitations and offers several added enhancements.
Commercial Auto
Coverage for losses that arise out of autos owned by or used in the business.
Commercial Crime
Covers the cost of losses arising from employees' dishonest or fraudulent acts such as forgery, burglary, computer fraud, and extortion.
Commercial General Liability
Covers business liability risks such as premises and operations, products-completed operations and indirect/contingent liability.
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